Table 3.
Proportions of different categories of RMC during labor and Childbirth at public health facilities in West Shewa Zone, Oromia region, Ethiopia, 2018. (N = 567)
Categories of RMC | RMC | DRA | ||
Number | Percent | Number | Percent | |
1. The woman is protected from physical harm or ill-treatment | ||||
Never used physical force/abrasive behavior with the woman | 498 | 87.8 | 69 | 12.2 |
Never physically restrains woman | 504 | 88.9 | 63 | 11.1 |
Touches/demonstrate caring in a culturally appropriate way | 530 | 93.5 | 37 | 6.5 |
Never separates woman from her baby unless | 552 | 97.4 | 15 | 2.6 |
Does not deny food or fluid to women in labor | 550 | 97.0 | 17 | 3.0 |
Provides comfort/pain-relief as necessary | 493 | 86.9 | 74 | 13.1 |
2. The woman’s right to information, informed consent and choice/ preferences is protected | ||||
Great and introduces self to woman and companion | 385 | 67.9 | 182 | 32.1 |
Encourages companion to remain with woman | 387 | 68.3 | 180 | 31.7 |
Encourages woman and her companion to ask questions | 337 | 59.4 | 230 | 40.6 |
Responds to questions with promptness, politeness & truthfulness | 369 | 65.1 | 198 | 34.9 |
Explains what is being done & to expect throughout LAD | 356 | 62.8 | 211 | 37.2 |
Gives periodic updates on status and progress of labor | 389 | 68.6 | 178 | 31.4 |
Allows the woman to move about during labor | 419 | 73.9 | 148 | 26.1 |
Allows woman to assume position of choice during birth | 312 | 55.0 | 255 | 45.0 |
Obtains consent or permission prior to any procedure | 350 | 61.7 | 217 | 38.3 |
3. Confidentiality and privacy is protected | ||||
Confirms patient files are stored in locked cabinets with limited access | 531 | 93.7 | 36 | 6.3 |
Uses curtains or other visual barrier to protect woman | 518 | 91.4 | 49 | 8.6 |
Uses drapes/covering appropriate to protect woman’s privacy | 487 | 85.9 | 80 | 14.1 |
4. The woman is treated with dignity and respect. | ||||
Speaks politely to woman and companion | 513 | 90.5 | 54 | 9.5 |
Allows woman and her companion to observe cultural practices as much as possible | 449 | 79.2 | 118 | 20.8 |
Never makes insults, intimidation, threats, shouted at, scolded, laughed, scorned or coerces woman or her companion | 442 | 78.0 | 125 | 22.0 |
5. The woman receives equitable care, free of discrimination | ||||
Speaks to the woman in a language and at a language-level that she understands | 547 | 96.5 | 20 | 3.5 |
Doesn’t show disrespect to women based on any specific attribute | 519 | 91.5 | 48 | 8.5 |
6. The woman is never left without care | ||||
Encourages woman to call if needed | 474 | 83.6 | 93 | 16.4 |
Comes quickly when woman calls or after decision | 397 | 70.0 | 170 | 30.0 |
Never leaves woman alone or unattended | 353 | 62.3 | 214 | 37.7 |
7. The woman is never detained or confined against her will | ||||
Facility doesn’t have a policy to detain women who don’t pay. | 564 | 99.5 | 3 | 0.5 |
Don’t been forced to stay against your will | 563 | 99.3 | 4 | 0.7 |