Anthropogenic emissions of NH3 and NOx and those of particulate ON used for this study for 1850, 2005 and 2050 from historical ACCMIP database and RCP6.0, RCP8.5 emissions (marked by ‘year’_emi). Particulate ON emissions are derived in the present study from the particulate OC corresponding emissions based on the methodology developed by Kanakidou et al. (2012). Atmospheric deposition of reactive nitrogen as computed by TM4-ECPL based on these emissions (marked by ‘year’_dep). N flux as inorganic reduced N (NHx) (solid), as inorganic oxygenated N (NOy) (open) and as ON (hashed). Noticeable are differences in the projections between RCPs. NOy is calculated as the sum of NOx, HNO3, NO3−, HONO, HNO4 and N2O5.