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. 2020 Aug 3;15(8):e0236493. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236493

Table 2. Overall parameter comparison for SegNet, U-net, and proposed path-wise U-net.

Parameters SegNet [19] U-net [8] Proposed patch-wise U-net
Input size Input image size 208×176 Input image size 256×256 Input image slice 256×256 and divided into four patch size of 128×128
Convolution operation 3×3 convolutions with stride of 1 and padding 3×3 convolutions with stride of 1 and padding 3×3 convolutions with stride of 1 and padding
Activation ReLU transfer function ReLU transfer function ReLU transfer function
Max Operation 2×2 max pooling with stride of 2 and padding 2×2 max pooling with stride of 2 and padding 2×2 max pooling with stride of 2 and padding
Output Softmax output function Softmax output function Softmax output function
Total operations Total of 8 convolution operations, 2 max-pooling and 2 max-unpooling operations Total of 15 convolution operations, 3 max-pool and 3 up-conv operations Total of 15 convolution operations, 3 max-pool and 3 up-conv operations