Table 1.
A Description of the Articles Utilised
Article | Year | Design | Setting | Results |
Masaba and Mmusi-phetoe, 201910 | 2019 | Cross-sectional | Kenya | A multifaceted approach is needed to reduce neonatal mortalities in Kenya |
Tank, Omar, and Musoke, 201911 | 2019 | Prospective audit | Kenya | Mortality was high among preterm neonates |
Shikuku, Milimo, Ayebare, Gisore, and Nalwadda, 201812 | 2018 | Observational | Kenya | Effective resuscitation for birth asphyxia |
Gitobu, Gichangi, and Mwanda, 201813 | 2018 | Survey | Kenya | Free maternal services increased hospital deliveries |
Ayodo, Samba, Amimo, and Asweto, 201814 | 2018 | Survey design | Kenya | Preterm birth is one of the main causes of neonatal death |
Wagura, Wasunna, Laving, Wamalwa, and Ng, 2018.15 | 2018 | Cross-sectional | Kenya | At-risk mothers should receive intensified antenatal care to mitigate preterm birth |
Okube and Sambu, 201716 | 2017 | Cross-sectional | Kenya | Prevalence rate of preterm birth was 20.2% |
Ministry-of-Health-[MOH], 201517 | 2015 | National surveys | Kenya | 1.5 million babies are born in Kenya annually |
Yego et al, 201318 | 2013 | Retrospective | Kenya | Pre-term birth and asphyxia are the leading causes of neonatal deaths |
Velaphi et al, 201919 | 2019 | Prospective study | South Africa | Using a combination of blood culture and a PCR-based test the common pathogens isolated in neonates with sepsis were Ureaplasma spp. and GBS |
Rhoda, Velaphi, Gebhardt, Kauchali, and Barron, 2018.20 | 2018 | South Africa Demographic Health Survey | South Africa | South Africa has a double burden of disease driving neonatal mortality; term babies are dying owing to intrapartum-related events, and preterm deaths are linked to related complications. |
Brits et al, 2015.21 | 2015 | Case control | South Africa | Co-morbidity as a risk to preterm birth |
Rhoda and Velaphi, 201522 | 2015 | National survey | South Africa | Preterm infants are at high risk of developing hypothermia |
Bruckmann and Velaphi, 2015.23 | 2015 | Medical record analysis | South Africa | The incidence of asphyxia ranged from 8.7 to 15.2/1000 live births |
Bamford, 2015.24 | 2015 | National DHS analysis | South Africa | South Africa continues to face a high burden of disease and high maternal and child mortality rates. |
Mabaso, Ndaba, and Mkhize-kwitshana, 2014.25 | 2014 | Analysis of National Department of Health | South Africa | Re-engineering of the Primary Health Care (PHC) services to reduce neonatal mortality |
Save the Children Fund [SCF], 2013.26 | 2013 | National analysis | South Africa | 84,000 preterm births occur in South Africa annually |
WHO, 20191 | 2019 | Regional estimates | Sub-Sahara | 15 million babies are born too early every year |
Chawanpaiboon et al, 2019.27 | 2019 | Multi-regional analysis | Sub-Sahara | 12·0 million (81.1%) of these preterm births occurred in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. |
Amare, Mela, and Dessie, 2019.28 | 2019 | Review | Developing countries | Neonatal sepsis was found to be high which accounted for a third of the neonates. |
Ranjeva, Warf, and Schiff, 2018.29 | 2018 | Global health agencies data analysis | Africa | Neonatal sepsis presents a $10–$469 billion financial burden that could be alleviated through successful treatment and prevention |
Mongella, Songane, and Akande, 201030 | 2010 | Regional estimates | Africa | Each year at least 1.16 million newborns die in Sub-Saharan Africa |
UNICEF, 2019.6 | 2019 | Global survey | United Nation regions | In 2018, the NMR for Kenya was 19.6 deaths per 1000 live births |
Lawn et al, 2013.5 | 2013 | Systematic estimates | 12 countries | Investing in care of every woman and every newborn will reduce both deaths and disabilities |
UNICEF, 2013.31 | 2013 | Regional estimates | Global analysis | Globally, an estimated 10 million babies have breathing difficulties at birth. |
Gillam-Krakauer and Gowen, 2018.32 | 2018 | Regional estimates | – | 15–20% of babies diagnosed with birth asphyxia die during the neonatal period |
Lawn, Mongi, and Cousens, 201033 | 2010 | Regional estimates | Africa | Birth asphyxia also accounts for 280,000 deaths a year in sub-Saharan Africa |