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. 2020 Jul 29;13:709–716. doi: 10.2147/JMDH.S260058

Table 1.

A Description of the Articles Utilised

Article Year Design Setting Results
Masaba and Mmusi-phetoe, 201910 2019 Cross-sectional Kenya A multifaceted approach is needed to reduce neonatal mortalities in Kenya
Tank, Omar, and Musoke, 201911 2019 Prospective audit Kenya Mortality was high among preterm neonates
Shikuku, Milimo, Ayebare, Gisore, and Nalwadda, 201812 2018 Observational Kenya Effective resuscitation for birth asphyxia
Gitobu, Gichangi, and Mwanda, 201813 2018 Survey Kenya Free maternal services increased hospital deliveries
Ayodo, Samba, Amimo, and Asweto, 201814 2018 Survey design Kenya Preterm birth is one of the main causes of neonatal death
Wagura, Wasunna, Laving, Wamalwa, and Ng, 2018.15 2018 Cross-sectional Kenya At-risk mothers should receive intensified antenatal care to mitigate preterm birth
Okube and Sambu, 201716 2017 Cross-sectional Kenya Prevalence rate of preterm birth was 20.2%
Ministry-of-Health-[MOH], 201517 2015 National surveys Kenya 1.5 million babies are born in Kenya annually
Yego et al, 201318 2013 Retrospective Kenya Pre-term birth and asphyxia are the leading causes of neonatal deaths
Velaphi et al, 201919 2019 Prospective study South Africa Using a combination of blood culture and a PCR-based test the common pathogens isolated in neonates with sepsis were Ureaplasma spp. and GBS
Rhoda, Velaphi, Gebhardt, Kauchali, and Barron, 2018.20 2018 South Africa Demographic Health Survey South Africa South Africa has a double burden of disease driving neonatal mortality; term babies are dying owing to intrapartum-related events, and preterm deaths are linked to related complications.
Brits et al, 2015.21 2015 Case control South Africa Co-morbidity as a risk to preterm birth
Rhoda and Velaphi, 201522 2015 National survey South Africa Preterm infants are at high risk of developing hypothermia
Bruckmann and Velaphi, 2015.23 2015 Medical record analysis South Africa The incidence of asphyxia ranged from 8.7 to 15.2/1000 live births
Bamford, 2015.24 2015 National DHS analysis South Africa South Africa continues to face a high burden of disease and high maternal and child mortality rates.
Mabaso, Ndaba, and Mkhize-kwitshana, 2014.25 2014 Analysis of National Department of Health South Africa Re-engineering of the Primary Health Care (PHC) services to reduce neonatal mortality
Save the Children Fund [SCF], 2013.26 2013 National analysis South Africa 84,000 preterm births occur in South Africa annually
WHO, 20191 2019 Regional estimates Sub-Sahara 15 million babies are born too early every year
Chawanpaiboon et al, 2019.27 2019 Multi-regional analysis Sub-Sahara 12·0 million (81.1%) of these preterm births occurred in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
Amare, Mela, and Dessie, 2019.28 2019 Review Developing countries Neonatal sepsis was found to be high which accounted for a third of the neonates.
Ranjeva, Warf, and Schiff, 2018.29 2018 Global health agencies data analysis Africa Neonatal sepsis presents a $10–$469 billion financial burden that could be alleviated through successful treatment and prevention
Mongella, Songane, and Akande, 201030 2010 Regional estimates Africa Each year at least 1.16 million newborns die in Sub-Saharan Africa
UNICEF, 2019.6 2019 Global survey United Nation regions In 2018, the NMR for Kenya was 19.6 deaths per 1000 live births
Lawn et al, 2013.5 2013 Systematic estimates 12 countries Investing in care of every woman and every newborn will reduce both deaths and disabilities
UNICEF, 2013.31 2013 Regional estimates Global analysis Globally, an estimated 10 million babies have breathing difficulties at birth.
Gillam-Krakauer and Gowen, 2018.32 2018 Regional estimates 15–20% of babies diagnosed with birth asphyxia die during the neonatal period
Lawn, Mongi, and Cousens, 201033 2010 Regional estimates Africa Birth asphyxia also accounts for 280,000 deaths a year in sub-Saharan Africa