Figure 3.
STA, FTIR, and zeta potential measurements.
Notes: STA analysis of nanoparticles, modified nanoparticles, nanoformulations, and combined nanoformulations (A). The thermal analysis of the dried powders was employed to detect the weight loss from materials (nanoparticles and prodrugs) at high-temperature condition. The dried powder of each sample was heated up to 800ºC leading to lose water content, organic compounds used in surface modification and loaded prodrugs. The MSNs are inorganic material which is stable at high temperature- this help to calculate the drug loading amount. The drug loading % in nanoformulations was calculated based on the weight loss between modified nanoparticles and after loading into nanoformulations. FTIR spectra of nanoparticles, modified nanoparticles, nanoformulations, combined nanoformulations, and pure prodrugs (B). Zeta potential measurements of materials in aqueous suspensions from acidic to alkaline (C).
Abbreviations: STA, simultaneous thermal analysis; FTIR, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; MSNs, mesoporous silica nanoparticles; MSNs-NH2, MSNs modified amino groups; MSNs-NH2-SH, MSNs-NH2 loaded SH; MSNs-NH2-QR, MSNs-NH2 loaded QR; MSNs-NH2-SH-QR, MSNs-NH2 loaded SH and QR.