Fig. 4. Observable changes in the intensities and angular dependence of the Raman modes with applied magnetic field.
a Changes in the polar intensity of (maximum intensity normalized to one), as a function of θ for (a) B = 0 T (black), 1 T (blue), and 2 T (magenta) for B ⊥ ab plane. b Comparing the polar intensity of at positive (magenta) and negative (green) applied magnetic fields. c Angle of maximum intensity in polar plot in a as a function of magnetic field, where field ranges from Fig. 3b are marked. d Intensity of P2 relative to the intensity of the combined mode , labeled , as a function of applied magnetic field (B ⊥ ab plane) at various sample temperatures. e as a function of applied magnetic field (B ∥ ab plane). Insets of e show the magnetic stacking orders in the AFM and FM states for B ∥ ab plane. f Polar intensity of for a magnetic field (7 T) applied parallel to the ab plane at two different crystal orientations (φ1 and φ1 + 90°). Sample temperature was 9 K (2 K) for B ⊥ ab (B ∥ ab). Error bars represent standard errors from fitting function.