Figure 3.
Ultrathin Profile Enhances the Structural Integrity of Neural Electrodes by Reducing the Strain
(A) Sketch showing that under the same deformation, strain in a device is proportional to its thickness.
(B) Sketch showing a symmetric, multilayer profile to minimize strain.
(C–E) Examples of ultraflexible electrodes, including a NET-50 suspended in water (C, Figure reprinted from Sci. Adv. 3 e1601966 (Luan et al., 2017) with permission. Copyright 2017 AAAS), a macroporous mesh suspended in buffer (D, Figure reprinted from Nature Materials 14, 1286 (2015) (Xie et al., 2015) with permission. Copyright 2015 NPG publishing), and a Neurotassel in the molten PEG (E, Figure reprinted from Science advances 5.3 (2019): eaav2842 (Guan et al., 2019) with permission. Copyright 2019 AAAS publishing). Scale bars: 50 μm in (C), 100 μm in (D), and 20 μm in (inset in E).