Ebi3-/- mice show more advanced metaplasia (SPEM) with antralization and increased proliferation. (A) Representative immunofluorescent staining of parietal cell atrophy and SPEM development in the gastric corpus of 2-month-old BALB/c, TxA23, and TxA23xEbi3-/- mice. Blue, nuclear stain Hoechst; yellow, parietal cell–specific vascular endothelial growth factor B (VEGF-B); green, neck cell–specific reagent GSII lectin; red, SPEM-specific surface molecule CD44v9. (B) Representative immunofluorescent staining of GSII (green), proliferation marker Ki67 (pink), and nuclear stain 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) (blue) in the corpus of TxA23 and TxA23xEbi3-/- mice at 2 months of age. Yellow box indicates high-magnification inset image. (C) Quantitation of the percentage of CD44v9+ glands from multiple fields of view in 4 mice per group from healthy BALB/c mice, control TxA23 mice with chronic gastritis, and TxA23xEbi3-/- mice. (D) Quantitation of Ki67 staining in the gastric corpus of 2-month-old BALB/c, TxA23, and TxA23xEbi3-/- mice as determined by immunofluorescent analysis shown in panel B. N = 6 mice per group from 2 experiments with at least 25 gastric units in 3 separate fields of view analyzed per mouse. Statistical significance was determined using 1-way analysis of variance. (E) Representative immunofluorescent staining of Pdx1+GSII+ SPEM present in the gastric corpus of TxA23 and TxA23xEbi3-/- mice at 2 months of age. Left: GSII (green), Pdx1 (pink), DAPI (blue). Right: GSII (green), Pdx1 (pink), DAPI (blue). Yellow box outlines high-magnification inset image.