Eating breakfast daily
≥5 servings of vegetables every day
≥3 servings of fruit or berries every day
<1 servings of sugary drinks per day (sodas and juices) [and drink water/coffee instead]
≥150 min of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week
<120 min of screen time (excluding work and school) per day
≥4 servings of whole-grain foods per day
≤1 servings of sweets, biscuits, ice cream, cakes, pastries per week
≤1 servings of salty snacks/fast food per week (hamburgers, chips, pizza, savory pastries, etc.)
≥3 servings (3 × 30 g) of nuts per week
≤2 servings of red and/or processed meat per week
≥1 serving of low-fat dairy products per day
Use of olive or rapeseed oil or soft margarines
Weight loss of >5% of the baseline body weight, for those who are overweight/obese
Family meal at table once a day