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. 2020 Jul 3;12(7):1982. doi: 10.3390/nu12071982

Table 3.

Summary of the characteristics of the included case-control studies.

References Country Participants Mean Age Measurement/Diagnosis
Özyurt et al.,
2018 [5]
Turkey Total Blood (81).
40 ADHD/41 HC
ADHD: 7.9/HC: 7.8 N/A Blood: Serum Zonulin/DuPaul ADHD-RS-IV Inventory N/A
Esnafoglu et al., 2017 [6] Turkey Total Blood (65).
32 ASD/33 HC
ASD: 7.5/HC: 7.0 Blood: Serum Zonulin and BMI/CARS N/A N/A
Józefczuk et al., 2017 [7] Poland Total Blood (121).
75 ASD/46 HC
ASD: 8.1/HC: N/A Blood: Serum Zonulin and CSA, AGA, I-FABP, /ADI-R, ADOS Scale N/A N/A
Rose et al.,
2018 [8]
U.S.A. California Total Blood (87).
46 ASD (NoGI: 26, GI: 20),
41 TD (NoGI: 35,
GI:6; Total Stool (91).
50 ASD (NoGI: 29, GI: 21),
41 TD (NoGI: 34, GI: 7)
Blood: ASD- NoGI: 7.8/TD-NoGI: 6.8; ASD-GI: 5.7/TD-GI: 5.2; Stool: ASD- NoGI: 7.8/TD-NoGI: 7.1; ASD-GI: 6.6/TD-GI: 5.1 Blood: Plasma Haptoglobin and Stool: Microbiome/ADI-R, ADOS N/A N/A
Işık et al.,
2020 [9]
Turkey Total Blood (48).
24 OCD/24 HC
OCD: 14.3/HC: 13.7 N/A N/A Blood: Serum Zonulin and serum Claudin-5 and BMI/K-SADS-PL, DSM-5 and CY-BOCS, M.O.C.I., RCADS-CV

N/A: Not available, ASD: autism spectrum disorders, ADHD: attention deficiency hyperactivity disorder, OCD: obsessive–compulsive disorder, HC: healthy controls, CSA: celiac-specific antibodies, AGA: anti-gliadin antibodies. ADI-R: Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised, ADOS: Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, DuPaul ADHD-RS-IV Inventory: DuPaul attention deficit hyperactivity disorder rating inventory, CARS: Childhood Autism Rating Scale, K-SADS-PL: Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia, DSM-5: DSM-5: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, CY-BOCS: Children’s Yale–Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale, MOCI: Maudsley Obsessive–Compulsive Inventory, RCADS-CV: Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scales–Child Version, BMI: Body Mass Index, I-FABP: Intestinal fatty acid binding protein. ASD—GI: with ASD and GI symptoms of irregular bowel habits, ASD—NoGI: with ASD but without current or previous GI symptoms, TD-GI: typically developing children with GI symptoms, TD-NoGI: typically developing children but without current or previous GI symptoms.