Colonic immune cell responses following peroral C. coli infection of aged conventional IL-10-/- mice. IL-10-/- mice with chronic colitis were perorally challenged with C. coli (black circles) on days 0 and 1 or received vehicle (mock controls; white diamonds). Upon necropsy (i.e., day 28 post-infection), the average numbers of colonic (A) macrophages and monocytes (F4/80+), (B) T lymphocytes (CD3+), (C) regulatory T cells (FOXP3+) and (D) B lymphocytes (B220+) were assessed microscopically from six high power fields (HPF, 400 x magnification) per animal in immunohistochemically stained large intestinal paraffin sections. Medians (black bars), levels of significance (p-values) assessed by the Student’s t test and Mann–Whitney U test and numbers of analyzed mice (in parentheses) are indicated. Data were pooled from four independent experiments.