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. 2020 Jul 8;17(14):4937. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17144937

Table A5.

Two-level Regression Models of Early Developmental Milestones on Individual and County-level Variables.

Late Walking Late Talking Late Counting Late Toilet-Training
Individual-Level Coefficients
Maternal education −0.080 *** −0.165 *** −0.549 *** −0.283 ***
(0.018) (0.036) (0.065) (0.057)
Female −0.104 −0.873 *** −1.096 *** −0.793 ***
(0.078) (0.142) (0.248) (0.213)
Birth cohort (ref: 1995–1999)
2000–2004 −0.393 *** −0.621 ** −0.424 −0.279
(0.119) (0.210) (0.364) (0.318)
2005–2009 −1.023 *** −1.479 *** −4.589 *** −5.271 ***
(0.118) (0.210) (0.370) (0.318)
After 2010 −1.188 *** −1.478 *** −5.100 *** −5.969 ***
(0.118) (0.216) (0.377) (0.324)
Minority 0.360 * −0.161 −0.609 0.046
(0.167) (0.315) (0.559) (0.472)
Birth weight (ref: normal weight)
Low birth weight 0.765 *** 1.649 *** 2.074 *** 1.610 **
(0.185) (0.333) (0.591) (0.502)
Unknown 1.312 *** 1.265 *** 5.592 *** 2.509 ***
(0.150) (0.265) (0.469) (0.408)
Gestational age (ref: ≥37 weeks)
<37 weeks 0.714 *** 0.007 −0.384 −0.237
(0.210) (0.382) (0.682) (0.585)
Urban hukou before age 3 −0.311 * −0.359 −2.676 *** −0.608+
(0.127) (0.237) (0.414) (0.353)
Maternal age at delivery (ref: <20)
20–24 0.056 −0.270 0.594 −0.014
(0.221) (0.398) (0.702) (0.603)
25–29 0.135 −0.070 1.087 0.219
(0.222) (0.401) (0.707) (0.607)
30–34 0.245 0.054 1.488 * 0.445
(0.234) (0.423) (0.746) (0.640)
35+ 0.357 0.176 1.566 −0.608
(0.262) (0.476) (0.842) (0.716)
County-level coefficients
Ln (GDP per capita) −0.414 *** −0.301 −1.456 *** 0.096
(0.079) (0.165) (0.298) (0.244)
Urban population % −0.001 −0.004 −0.048 *** −0.031 **
(0.003) (0.007) (0.013) (0.011)
Cross-level interaction coefficients
Maternal education × Urban population % 0.001 0.001 0.006 ** 0.003+
(0.001) (0.001) (0.002) (0.002)
Constant 18.690 *** 24.656 *** 51.363 *** 34.588 ***
(0.783) (1.624) (2.928) (2.412)
N 11,361 10,324 10,061 10,751

Notes. Standard errors in parentheses; † p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.