Figure 2.
Effect of the knockdown of PAK6 expression levels on the proliferation, migration and invasion of HeLa cells. (A) PAK6 mRNA expression levels were analyzed in stably shPAK6-transfected HeLa cells. (B) PAK6 protein expression levels were analyzed in stably shPAK6-transfected HeLa cells using western blotting. (C) Semi-quantification of PAK6 expression levels presented in part (B). (D) Cell Counting Kit-8 assays and (E) colony formation assays were used to analyze the proliferative rate of shPAK6-transfected HeLa cells. (F) Semi-quantification of the number of colonies formed from part (E). (G) Cell migration and invasion were determined in stably shPAK6-transfected HeLa cells, (magnification ×200). (H) Semi-quantification of the number of invasive cells from part (G). (I) Semi-quantification of the number of migratory cells from part (G). **P<0.01 vs. shPAK6 NC. PAK6, p21-activated kinase 6; sh, short hairpin RNA; NC, negative control.