Figure 4.
Concentration and time-dependent effect of berberine derivatives on the bacterial membrane integrity. The dose- and time-dependent effects of compounds 16 and 25 on bacterial membrane integrity were studied using B. subtilis (A–C), H. pylori (D–F), S. aureus (G–I) or V. alginolyticus (J–L). Graphs (A,D,G,J) show the dose-dependent effect of 60 min incubation at 37 °C with increasing concentrations of derivatives. Graphs (B,E,H,K) show the time-dependent effect at 37 °C of derivative at 4-times their MIC. Graphs (C,F,I,L) show the time-dependent effect at 37 °C of derivative at 100 µM. In all cases, results were expressed as percentage of membrane permeabilization using CTAB at 300 µM as positive control giving 100% permeabilization. Results corresponding to means ± SD (n = 3) were fitted using the Graph Pad Prism software.