Fig. 1. Tcf1-deficient DN3b cells show promiscuous gene expression compared to WT littermate controls.
(A) Heat map of the top 100 differentially expressed gene as determined by RNA-seq of sorted DN3b cells from WT and Tcf1-deficient thymi. GSEA of the differentially expressed genes (Tcf1−/− KO over Tcf1 WT for DN3b) is enriched for DN2 genes (DN2a and DN2b with NES +1.23 and + 1.53, respectively). (B) qPCR validation of RNA-seq data for selected T cell–specific genes, genes expressed in non-T cells, and legacy genes whose expression is inherited from stem cells/multipotent progenitors. The levels of expression are normalized by ABL-2 expression as housekeeping gene. (Mann-Whitney U test; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001. Error bars represent the SD of three pooled mice and from two independent experiments.)