Figure 7.
Significant correlations by diet or study-wide linear regression between the recognition index after a 1 h delay and genes affected by diet. No significant relationships were found with the recognition index after a 48 h delay. (A) A negative correlation for all diets was found between GABBR1 and the recognition index. Linear regression demonstrated the presence of a significant relationship—for every increase in 1 standard deviation of GABBR1 expression, the recognition index decreased by 0.13. (B,C) Some dietary groups showed a correlation between the recognition index and either HDAC5 or CHRM2. Overall, linear regression revealed significant negative relationships between mRNA expression and the recognition index. Abbreviations: GABBR1, GABA type B receptor subunit 1; HDAC5, histone deacetylase 5; CHRM2, cholinergic receptor muscarinic 2; CON, control group; OF, pigs fed oligofructose; OF + 2′-FL, pigs fed oligofructose and 2′ fucosyllactose.