Figure 7.
Sow diet mycotoxin contamination (DON) and neonate mycotoxin gavage (DONgav) modified jej-LP cell numbers and the proportion of resident APC. Datasets were analyzed with the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison tests when appropriate for each age. (A) Numeration of immune mononuclear cells (× 106 per g of tissue) isolated from jej-LP at PND10, PND21 and PND49 from CTRL- (n = 4, empty black bar), DONgav (n = 4, light grey bar) and DON (n = 4, dark grey bar) piglets (# p < 0.10). (B) CD16+ MHCII+ proportion (% of total immune cells) in jej-LP CTRL- (n = 4, empty black bar), DONgav (n = 4, light grey bar), and DON (n = 4, dark grey bar) explants (* p < 0.02). (C) CD11R1+ MHCII+ proportion (% of total immune cells) in jej-LP CTRL- (n = 4, empty black bar), DONgav (n = 4, light grey bar) and DON (n = 4, dark grey bar).