Table 1.
Period | Publications (these include journal publications both peer-reviewed (marked*) and non-peer reviewed) | Other documents (these include reports, book chapters, books) |
1992–1995 (‘initiation’) |
On health care for asylum seekers Les soins aux requérants d’asile: une médecine à part? [27] * Medical Screening of Asylum Seekers in Switzerland [28] Afflux de réfugiés en Suisse: quels problèmes de santé? [29] Torture et violence organisée: leurs conséquences sur les requérants d’asile et les réfugiés [30] * The health of asylum seekers: from communicable disease screening to post-traumatic disorders. [31] * Identification of victims of violence and torture: the practitioner’s role [32] La santé des requérants d'asile: des parasites au stress post-traumatique [33] L’examen sanitaire de frontière appliqué aux requérants d’asile [34] Die Prävalenz von HIV-Infektionen und sexuell übertragbaren Krankheiten in der Schweiz. Bulletin des Bundesamtes für Gesundheit. 1993 [35] Tuberkulose in der Schweiz 1994 [36] Grenzsanitarische Untersuchung bei Asylbewerbern [37] Tuberculose multirésistante en Suisse: surveillance globale de la résistance aux médicaments [38] On the migratory context in Europe, Switzerland and Geneva Health Policies for Immigrant Populations in the 1990s. A Comparative Study in Seven Receiving Countries [39] Migration and international health policies [40] * No real progress towards equity: the health of migrants and ethnic minorities on the eve of the year 2000 [41] * Early texts on intercultural communication, relevant for the context of Geneva: L’interprète: traducteur, médiateur culturel ou co-thérapeute [42] Interkulturelle Kommunikation im Gesundheitsbereich [43] Eine Übersetzerin der Hausarztpraxis, Kommunikation mit fremdsprachigen Patienten [44] |
Geneva-context related information Soigner les migrants: une affaire de spécialistes ou de généralistes? [45] Examen sanitaire de frontière des requérants d’asile à Genève. Genève: OFSP [46] Country reports in Migration and Health in Europe. [47] Migration and Health in Switzerland [48] Die Sprachenlandschaft Schweiz [49] Santé des migrants: l’interprétariat médical, aspect incontournable de la prise en charge [50] Asylum seekers, refugees and health in Switzerland. [51] Asylum seekers, refugees and health in the nineties [51] Analytic review of migration and health and as it affects European Community countries [52] |
1995–1999 (‘growth’) |
On facilitating communication with and healthcare access of asylum seekers, Geneva and Switzerland Asylum seekers and refugees in the medical polyclinic: a comparison between the Basel, Bern and Geneva polyclinics [53] * Asylsuchende und Flüchtlinge in der Notfallstation [54] * Asylsuchende und Flüchtlinge in der hausärztlichen Praxis: Probleme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten [55] * On facilitating communication with migrant patients, Geneva and Switzerland Die Arzt-Patienten Interaktion aus der Sicht von MigrantInnen: Vorschläge für die ärztliche Praxis [56] On introducing interpreter services in healthcare, Geneva and Switzerland The importance of interpreters to insure quality of care for migrants [57] * Language difficulties in an outpatient clinic in Switzerland [58] * Addressing language barriers to health care, a survey of medical services in Switzerland [59] * Medical interpreters have feelings too [60] * Wenn PatientInnen und Behandelnde nicht dieselbe Sprache sprechen... - Konzepte zur Übersetzerpraxis [61] * Interpreting in Swiss hospitals [62] * Sprachbarrieren und Kommunikation in einer medizinischen Poliklinik [63] Von einer Sprache zur anderen: Kommunikation mit fremdsprachigen Patienten in einer medizinischen Poliklinik [64] On specific settings where interpreters are needed Use of interpreters in Switzerland's psychiatric services [65] * Migrationspezifische Aspekte in einem psychotherapeutischen Prozess [66] Barrières linguistiques et communication dans une policlinique de médecine [67] On Health and migration in Europe (including information related to Geneva) Asylum seekers in Europe: entitlements, health status, and human rights issues [68] * Migration and health in the European Union [69] |
Geneva context-related information Übersetzerinnen im Gesundheitsbereich: das medizinische Anamnesegespräch im Migrationskontext [70] Übersetzung und kulturelle Mediation im Gesundheitssystem [71] Migration und Gesundheit: interdisziplinäre Perspektiven und Stand der psychosozialen Forschung [72] The community interpreter’s task: self-perception and provider views [73] Interpreting & translating in Australia: current issues and international comparisons. [18] Knackpunkte im dolmetschervermittelten Gespräch [74] Communication interculturelle et accès aux soins, le défi du multilinguisme dans le contexte médical [75] Manuel du questionnaire sur l’état de santé des requérants d’asile [76] |
1999–2003 (‘quality’) |
Research on improving communication with migrants, Geneva: Improving communication between physicians and patients who speak a foreign language [77] * Measuring quality and patient satisfaction in healthcare communication with foreign-language speakers [78] * On the arrival of large numbers of Kosova refugees and the implications for interpreter provision, Geneva Screening of mental disorders in asylum-seekers from Kosovo [79] * Dolmetscher für Kosova-Flüchtlinge, Kurzbericht aus Genf [80] Gesund werden erfordert verstanden werden. Gute Erfahrungen mit professionellen Dolmetscherdiensten [81] On striving towards qualified interpreter services, Geneva and Switzerland Vermitteln zwischen Sprachen und Kulturen. Ausbildungs- und Qualitätsstandards sind vorgesehen [82] Ausgeschlossen durch die fremde Sprache [83] Sprachverwirrung im Spital [84] Research into specific settings of bilingual health communication, Geneva Language barriers between nurses and asylum seekers: their impact on symptom reporting and referral rates [5] * Interpreter-mediated diabetes consultations: a qualitative analysis of physician communication practices [85] * |
Geneva context-related information Migration et santé - Stratégie de la Confédération pour les années 2002 à 2006 [86] Caring for Migrant and Minority Patients in European Hospitals: A Review of Effective Interventions [87] Avis de la Commission d’Ethique Clinique sur l’interprétariat communautaire, quoted in [88] Dolmetschervermittelte Gespräche im Spital: Sinnvolle Professionalisierung [89] ‘Hätten Sie jemanden zur Hand, der übersetzen kann?’ Interkulturelles Übersetzen und Vermitteln im Gesundheitsbereich [90] Verloren in der Übersetzung [91] Der Mediator als Dolmetscher - der Dolmetscher als Mediator [92] Les barrières langagières dans les relations de soin [93] Fremde Sprachen im Spital [94] ‘Was sagt mir das Transkript?’ - Dokumentation einer Plenumsdiskussion [95] Analysing interpreted doctor-patient communication form the perspectives of linguistics, interpreting studies and health sciences [96] Macht Migration krank? Eine von Migrantinnen und Migranten [97] Video Trialogue - Dolmetschen im Gesundheitswesen [98] |
2004–2010 (‘institutio-nalisation’) |
On access to institutionalised interpreter services, Geneva, Switzerland Access to Healthcare Interpreter Services: Where Are We and Where Do We Need to Go? [99] * Communicating with foreign language-speaking patients: is access to professional interpreters enough? [100] * On costs of interpreter provision What do language barriers cost? An exploratory study among asylum seekers in Switzerland [16] * Do Asylum Seekers Consume More Health Care Resources? Some Evidence from Switzerland [101] * The cost of war and the cost of health care - an epidemiological study of asylum seekers [102] * On the role of gender in bilingual health communication Doctor-patient gender concordance and patient satisfaction in interpreter-mediated consultations: an exploratory study [103] * Der Dialog zu Dritt: PatientInnen, DolmetscherInnen und Gesundheitsfachleute in der Universitäts-Frauenklinik in Basel [104] * Reproductive health care for asylum-seeking women - a challenge for health professionals [105] * Exploring potentials and risks of healthcare interpreting ‘Migrant-Friendly Hospitals’: a European initiative in an age of increasing mobility [106] * Telefondolmetschen - eine Chance zur Überwindung von Sprachbarrieren? [107] Health and ill health of asylum seekers in Switzerland: an epidemiological study [108] * Vermitteln Dolmetscherinnen? Dolmetschen Vermittlerinnen? [109] Pflegende Dolmetschende? Dolmetschende Pflegende? Literaturanalyse [110] * Editorial: Die fremden Sprachen, die fremden Kranken: Dolmetschen im medizinischen Kontext [111] On institutionalising interpreter services within transcultural care Overcoming language barriers with foreign-language speaking patients: a survey to investigate intra-hospital variation in attitudes and practices [112] * Improving patient-provider communication: insights from interpreters [113] * Contextualising cultural competence training of residents: results of a formative research study in Geneva, Switzerland [114] * |
Geneva context-related information Foreign languages in hospitals [115] Nur übersetzen? Dolmetschen, vermitteln und schlichten in Gesundheitsinstitutionen [116] Wirkt interkulturelle Mediation integrierend? Materialienband des Projektes NFP51-405140-69224 [26] Intercultural mediation: Does it contribute to inclusion? Comparing policies and practices in the sectors of health, education, social and legal services [117] Telefondolmetschen im Spital [118] Nur übersetzen? Dolmetschen, Vermitteln und schlichten in schweizerischen Gesundheitsinstitutionen [119] Dolmetschen im Spital: Mitarbeitende mit Sprachkompetenzen erfassen, schulen und gezielt einsetzen [120] Interkulturelle Mediation: welche Form der Integration? [121] Dolmetschen, Vermitteln, Schlichten – Integration der Diversität [122] L’accès aux soins des patients allophones [123] Droits du patient migrant: quelles sont les bases légales de la consultation médicale en présence d'un interprète?[124] Diversity and equality of opportunity. Fundamentals for effective action in the microcosm of the health care institution [125] Des ponts linguistiques pour mieux guérir -L’interprétariat communautaire et la santé publique en Suisse [126] Migration et santé - Résumé de la stratégie fédérale phase II (2008 à 2013) [127] The Amsterdam declaration, quoted in Saladin [125] Interkulturelle Vermittlungstätigkeiten in Polizei und Justiz des Kantons Genf [128] La médiation interculturelle dans le système scolaire genevois [129] La médiation interculturelle dans les CASS (Centre d’action sociale et de santé) [130] La médiation interculturelle dans la prison à Genève [131] |
2011–2016 (‘equity’) |
On mainstreaming and rolling out interpreter services with an equity-based framework, Geneva A ‘migrant-friendly hospital’ initiative in Geneva, Switzerland: evaluation of the effects on staff knowledge and practices [132] * The ‘migrants patients reference nurse’: an institutional response to improve the care of vulnerable patients in a university hospital [133] Quality in practice: integrating routine collection of patient language data into hospital practice [134] * Staying in the middle: A qualitative study of health care interpreters’ perceptions of their work Interpreting. [135] * The relevance of clinical ethnography: reflections on 10 years of a cultural consultation service [136] * |
Geneva context-related information Inequalities in Health Care for Migrants and Ethnic Minorities [137] Do language barriers increase inequalities? Do interpreters decrease inequalities? [138] Migrants allophones et système de santé - Enjeux éthiques de l'interprétariat communautaire [139] The health of migrants and refugees [140] |