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. 2020 Jun;62(6):681–691. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2019-0276TR

Table 1.

Technical Differences in the Generation of Precision-Cut Lung Slices

Step Property Variation Notes/Examples
Lung filling Agarose (%) • 0.4–1.5 (36, 57, 72) • Lower percentages are used in rodents, and larger ones are used in human tissue and bigger animals
• 1.5–3 (15, 46)
• The percentage of agarose may affect the mechanical properties of the filled tissue
Media • Salt solutions: PBS, EBSS, and HBSS (33, 73, 74) • Some protocols add more supplements to the filling media, such as HEPES, penicillin/streptomycin, and Amphotericin B
• Cell culture medium: (D)MEM, DMEM/F-12, RPMI) (48, 72) • The choice of filling media may influence the quality and survival of specific cell types within the PCLS
Lung slicing Media • Salt-buffered solutions (16, 73, 75, 76) • Most protocols use culture media for slicing with no alterations
• Cell culture medium (15, 48, 57, 77) • Some protocols supplement media with CaCl2, MgSO4, KCl, NaCl, NaH2PO4, glucose, NaHCO3, HEPES, penicillin/streptomycin, insulin, hydrocortisone, retinyl acetate, gentamicin, or Amphotericin B
Devices Tissue slicers (rotary chopping) (29) • Krumdieck Slicer
• Compresstome VF-300
• Brendel Vitron Tissue Slicer
Vibratome (74) • Leica Vibratome VT1000
• Zeiss Hyrax Vibratory Microtome V55
• Campden 7000 SMZ-2
Thickness • 150–225 μm (12, 74) • Thinner PCLS are generally obtained from rodent tissue and allow for easier nutrient perfusion
• 250–500 μm (24, 48, 72, 73, 78)
• Thicker PCLS are generally obtained from larger animal tissues or human tissue
• No perfusion/diffusion problems have been reported for PCLS 500 μm thickness or less
• Thicker PCLS allow for visualization of full alveolar spaces, improving the modeling aspects of specific diseases
• The thickness of PCLS can vary for different CLDs
• Slice thickness is usually optimized differently in each laboratory based on the research question
Culture Preparation Agarose removal (79) • Some protocols attempt to remove agarose from PCLS by repetitive washes within the first few hours after slicing
• Agarose removal may allow for easier access to nutrients
Pretreatment • Most protocols replace media with varying initial incubation periods
• Washing may be important for removal of secreted factors that may have been caused by the slicing (“cytokine storm”)
Media (D)MEM, Ham’s F-12, RPMI, Medium 199, EBSS, HBSS • Several protocols use the same culture media during the procedure
• Additional supplements may include CaCl2, MgSO4, KCl, NaCl, NaH2PO4, glucose, NaHCO3, HEPES, penicillin/streptomycin, insulin, hydrocortisone, retinyl acetate, gentamicin, or Amphotericin B
• The media needs to be optimized depending on the modeled disease
Serum • None • Most protocols do not add serum to cultured PCLS because it might alter cell proliferation
• 0.1% (48)
• 10% (72)
Length Minutes to a few hours • Earlier studies used only short incubation times to study metabolites
1–7 d • Most current PCLS models have shown viability across the different cell types for up to 7 d. Most of the discussed models use durations within this range
>21 d (68, 80) • Few studies have reported PCLS culture for up to 28 d. More recently, embedding in hydrogels was shown to extend culture times to >21 d

Definition of abbreviations: CLDs = chronic lung diseases; DMEM = Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium; EBSS = Earle’s balanced salt solution; HBSS = Hanks’ balanced salt solution; PCLS = precision-cut lung slices.