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. 2020 Jul 17;10(7):1219. doi: 10.3390/ani10071219

Table 3.

Selection methods of detection and service dogs.

Characteristics Description (According to Authors) Method
Causal reasoning Use of visual and auditory cues to infer the location of hidden reward
Commitment to toy Tendency to engage game with its handler (new toys or familiar toys)
Retrieval inhibition Ability to inhibit prepotent motor response in object retrieval task
Energy level Show enthusiasm and be always ready to play
Excitation Before a walk or when owner/visitor is coming home
Gaze direction Ability to use human gaze direction to locate hidden reward
Hiding-finding Object permanence
Hunting behaviour Tendency to track its prey directly or after a turnaround of 360°
Odour control trials Control trials ruling out ability to locate hidden food using olfaction
Perspective-taking Tendency to obey/disobey a command depending on whether a human is watching
Play with stranger Tendency to play with familiar toy and stranger
Reaching Ability to infer reward location based on experimenter’s reaching towards baited location
Retrieval Tendency to retrieve object and return it to in front of experimenter
Reward preference Preference for food or toy reward
Rotation Egocentric vs. allocentric use of spatial cues
Social referencing Tendency to look at human face when joint social activity is interrupted
Spatial transpositions Ability to track location of hidden reward across spatial transformations
Visual discrimination Ability to learn arbitrary visual discrimination prediction reward location
Nerve strength
Affect discrimination Preference to approach unfamiliar human
Confidence on rough surface Ability to stay confident on rough surface
Confined space Ability to come from a confined space and enter a lighted area and dark area
Fearfulness Shaking/salivating/agitation/loss of appetite when they are left on its own
Laterality: first step Forelimb preference when initiating a step off a platform
Sociability towards other canines Preference to approach unfamiliar canine
Sound sensitivity Ability to stay confident when confronted to several sounds
Stability Ability to stay confident and stable on unstable surface
Surface sensitivity Ability to travel across a slick surface
Threating situation With stranger, unfamiliar dog or object
Touch anxious Tendency to stay calm when manipulated by human
Visual sensitivity Ability to stay relaxed and confident in an area full of smoke
Arm pointing Ability to use human arm pointing to find a hidden reward
Detour navigation Navigation of shortest route around an obstacle
Inferential reasoning Ability to infer the location of hidden reward through the principle of exclusion
Marker cue Ability to infer location of hidden reward when human uses a novel communicative marker
Memory-distraction Memory for location of reward across delays while dog’s attention is discarded
Odour discrimination Discrimination and memory for which of two locations is baited using olfaction
Response to command Ability to sit/stay
Spatial perseverations Ability to inhibit previously established motor pattern when environment changes
Working memory Memory for location of reward across temporal delays
Attachment Sign of attention to the owner
Begging for food When people are eating
Contagious yawing Tendency to yawn during auditory exposure to human yawning vs. control sounds
Dynamism Hyperactive or restless
Escapes Take each opportunity to escape
Olfactory interest Rolls when facing smelly substance
Owner direct aggression Tendency to be aggressive with owners during daily tasks (batch, eating, game…)
Steal behaviour Steal food
Unsolvable task Help seeking from human vs. independent behaviour when facing unsolvable task
Physical exam Examination of the body tension
Barks To alarm or when excited
Coprophagy Eat its own faeces or of another animal
Licking Itself or people or object
Pull on leash During walk
Sensory bias Prioritization of visual vs. olfactory information when senses pitted against one another
Transparent obstacle Ability to inhibit direct approach to experimenter when a detour is required
Urinates During night, when owner approaches, on object

∆ indicates that the method takes the characteristic into account; C-Barq (Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire; survey), IFT (In For Training; tests), SDTC (tests developed by the Swedish Dog Training Center), M-B scale (tests developed by Brownell and Marsolais 2000) and GDTP (tests developed by the Guide Dog Training Program) M-B scale is the only test having been performed on detection dogs [21,65,69,80,81].