Figure 6.
Formation of premature antiparallel microtubule bundle structures in plants with low CDKA;1 activity. (A–C) Confocal laser scanning micrographs of meiocytes expressing TagRFP:TUA5 (magenta) and GFP:MAP65-3 (green) at late prophase (A), interkinesis (B) and tetrad (C) in WT. (D) Time course of TagRFP:TUA5 and GFP:MAP65-3 from late prophase to telophase II in WT (from Video 5). (E–H) Confocal micrographs of meiocytes expressing TagRFP:TUA5 (magenta) and GFP:MAP65-3 (green) at late prophase (E–G) and interkinesis (H) in VF cdka;1/− cdkd;3/−. (I) Time course of TagRFP:TUA5 and GFP:MAP65-3 from late prophase to exit after meiosis I in VF cdka;1/− cdkd;3/− (from Video 6). White asterisks highlight antiparallel microtubule bundles. Scale bar, 10 µm.