Figure S2.
CDKD;3 and CDKA;1 are expressed throughout meiosis and colocalize in the nucleus. Confocal laser scanning micrographs showing the localization of the functional CDKD;3:mVenus (green) and CDKA;1:mTurquoise2 (magenta) fusion proteins in male anthers of Arabidopsis. (A–F) During prophase I (A–D), interkinesis (E), and tetrad stage (F), both proteins enrich and differentially colocalize in the meiocyte nucleus, as shown in every third row by the colocalized pixel map and scatter plot. The diagonal white line in the scatter plot represents the ratio of the intensities of the two channels (Rcoloc). Scale bar, 10 µm. (G) Confocal laser scanning micrographs of anthers showing the accumulation of the CDKD;1:mVenus fusion protein in green. (H) Accumulation pattern of the CDKD;2:mVenus fusion protein in whole anthers. Scale bar, 20 µm.