The illustration of 3D GE‐EPTI acquisition and three different designs of 3D spatiotemporal encoding. (A) The diagram of 3D GE‐EPTI sequence and its block‐wise sampling in k y‐k z‐t space per EPTI‐shot. Spatiotemporal CAIPI trajectory is employed in each EPTI readout section, and data blocks of different k y‐k z positions are acquired sequentially across TRs to fill the high‐resolution k y‐k z‐t space. (B) Three 3D spatiotemporal encodings at an acceleration factor of 72 (block size = 12 × 6): (1) CAIPI‐based sampling, same CAIPI pattern of all echo‐sections (2) temporal‐variant CAIPI sampling, shifted patterns between odd and even echo‐sections, and (3) block‐wise random sampling