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. 2020 Feb 19;35(8):2383–2388. doi: 10.1007/s11606-020-05695-4

Table 1.

Five Major Themes with Representative Quotes

Theme Examples Representative quotations
Episodes of harassment

- Comment on physical appearance

- Being asked out on date

“They’ll comment on your look, then ask more questions, if you have a girlfriend, if you are married”
- Sexually explicit comments “I think a lot of them revolved around probably pelvic exams or different gynecologic complaints. The way people have referenced their body parts.”
Characterization of harassment

- Not sexual harassment

- A stressful encounter

- Harassment

“It does not bother me in a way that I feel unsafe, or belittled, or objectified. In that sense, I do not feel like it’s necessarily sexual harassment”
“a stressful sexual-related encounter, I do not know. So yeah, I think harassment would maybe come into it.”
Impact of harassment - Causes little emotional distress “It’s not professional”

- Concerned about professionalism

- Viewed as compliment

“I got a little nervous just because I do not expect it and then just remind yourself that you have to be extra professional at the moment”
“maybe it’s the maleness in me, but I tend to be flattered by those kind of things”
Strategies to respond to harassment

- Humor

- Re-direction

- Use chaperone

“Nervous laughing”
“I generally just try to change the subject to where it’s off of me and more back on them.”
“I can recall some instances where I would, maybe the patient wasn’t requesting a chaperone, but I would ensure I would have it, based on certain comments that they have made.”
Witnessed harassment

- Patients harassing female colleagues

- Overhearing male colleagues make inappropriate comments about female colleagues

“I’ve certainly been in the room when female peers have been harassed by male patients.”
“Sexist jokes are all over. It’s pretty ubiquitous.”
“She introduced herself to him and then he went on to comment about how she looked, her appearance, how pretty she was, you know. It was pretty graphic.”
“Innumerable times, and in many different environments, I’ve heard male colleagues comment on the physical attractiveness of female coworkers… All the time. They would say things that they would not say in front of the person”