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. 2020 Jun;26(16):1917–1928. doi: 10.2174/1381612826666200317132507

Table 2.

Contents of individual anthocyanins in Vaccinium myrtillus fruits.

Origin Cy-3-arab Cy-3-gal Cy-3-glu Dp-3-arab Dp-3-gal Dp-3-glu Mv-3-arab Mv-3-gal Mv-3-glu Pn-3-arab Pn-3-gal Pn-3-glu Pt-3-arab Pt-3- gal Pt-3-glu References
Finland Southern (mg/100 g fw) 37.0 34.0 41.0 57.5 45.7 54.6 2.6 13.3 16.6 nd 2.1 9.3 nd 10.0 25.9 [21]
Finland Northern (mg/100 g fw) 44.0 59.5 50.9 87.8 98.9 76.4 9.6 34.2 46.8 nd 4.8 17.7 nd 26.3 45.3 [21]
(mg/kg fw)
161.92 542.45 194.47 640.31 700.46 381.11 42.45 109.97 149.63 9.66 19.42 108.09 78.31 213.63 416.06 [22]
(mg/g dw)
936 375 396 741 1060 1247 295 127 506 15 107 198 340 581 541 [104]
Italy Northern (mg/100 g fw) 37.1 56.3 55.0 97.4 127.1 119.0 nd 19.7 56.1 nd nd 24.8 20.1 33.1 65.9 [95]
Slovenia (mg/100g fw) 110.6 122.6 13.04 152.3 167.1 169.1 28.24 21.66 24.89 22.99 17.82 20.75 19.98 14.76 16.72 [13]
(mg/kg fw)
450 493 488 632 629 562 91 124 350 20 34 187 137 167 359 [101]
Mustasaari, Finland
(mg/kg fw)
220 300 220 340 360 300 53 100 150 18 36 75 84 120 170 [102]
Milan, Italy
(mg/g extract)
32.18 40.03 41.81 49.06 49.07 54.21 8.75 13.23 40.15 1.75 4.34 15.90 13.44 17.92 38.49 [79]
Bulgaria (mg/100 g dw) 78.13 244.81 563.38 101.57 91.54 733.01 27.65 17.80 46.65 15.42 14.39 57.61 38.67 27.74 17.53 [103]

Abbreviations used: dp- delphinidin; cy- cyanidin; pt- petunidin; pn- peonidin; mv- malvidin; gal- galactoside; glc- glucoside; arab- arabinoside; nd- not detected; fw- fresh weight; dw- dry weight.