Figure 5.
Effects of reporter and driver dosage on GFP expression. Quantification of TRN GFP expression level from widefield images acquired with a 40× air lens of strains carrying various dosage of reporter and driver insertions. Individual measurements (circles) and the mean (line) are shown. To obtain various reporter (R) and driver (D) combinations the following crosses were performed: R; D ♂ were obtained from crosses of R; D ♂ crossed to R; D ♀. R/+; D/+ ♂ were obtained from him-8 ♂ crossed to R; D ♀. R/R; D/+ ♂ animals were obtained from R; him-8 ♂ males crossed to R; D ♀. To obtain R/+; D/D ♂ animals, him-8 ♂ were crossed to jsTi1493 ♀, progeny jsTi1493/him-8 ♂ were crossed to D ♀, somatic GFP[+] progeny D/jsTi1493 ♂ were crossed to R;D ♀, and somatic GFP[-] progeny ♂ were imaged. Arbitrary units (A.U.) definition for the lexA strains is ∼4× those of the GAL4 strains. In building double transgenes for the QF and tet bipartite systems, I had difficulty distinguishing between R/R; D/+ and R/R; D/D animals, suggesting that activity of all four systems is limited by the reporter. Complete genotypes: lexA, jsSi1549 [mec-4p lexA-L-QF act-4 3′]; lexO, jsSi1527 [lexO 5X GFP-C1 tbb-2 3′]; GAL4, jsSi1515 [mec-4p GAL4-QF tbb-2 3′]; UAS, jsSi1518 [UAS 11X GFP-C1 tbb-2 3′].