Figure 2.
(A) Population GEBVs of EHT vs. TKW for one simulation replicate over 10 generations when selection and mating decisions are optimized using ST-LAS algorithm with an objective of maximizing TKW. Each generation includes 200 individuals represented by stars and different colors are distinguishing between generations. The final generation has a minimum, mean, and maximum of 34.36, 40.25, 47.09 for TKW and −1.68, 7.17, 14.77 for EHT respectively. (B) Minimum, mean and maximum GEBVs of TKW and EHT over 10 generations averaged over 100 simulation replicates. Selection and mating decisions are optimized using ST-LAS algorithm with an objective of maximizing TKW. The final generation has a minimum, mean, and maximum of 33.30, 39.04, 44.51 for TKW and −2.73, 7.00, 16.54 for EHT respectively.