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. 2020 Jul 29;93(1):e12937. doi: 10.1111/sji.12937

Table 3.

Anti‐inflammatory effects of AbM, HE and GF (Inline graphic)

Product, Applic. Study in, of Effects Mechanism Author, Year References
Mycelium extract incl. HE, GF, (Andosan) p.o. Healthy Volunteers (n = 10) Predominantly anti‐inflammatory effect ↓Proinflammatory cytokines Johnson et al, 2009 [21]
Mycelium extract incl. HE, GF, (Andosan) p.o. Healthy Volunteers (n = 8) Antioxidant effect ↓iROS prod. & adhesion molec. expressio in MΦ & granulocytes Johnson et al, 2012 [24]
Mycelium extract incl. HE, GF, (Andosan) p.o. IBD patients (50 UC & 50 CD) Improved symptoms & QoL, espec. in UC ↓ Proinflammatory effect Therkelsen et al, 2016a‐c [9, 10, 11]
AbM extract, p.o. Rats, Pulmonary inflammation ↓ Lung damage induced by carcinogen Attenuation of pulmonary inflammation & gross consolidation Croccia et al, 2013 [52]
HE mycelium & erinacine A, p.o. Rats, brain ischaemia Protection against brain ischaemia injury induced neuronal cell death Inhibition of iNOS/P3 MAPK Reduced IL‐1β, IL‐6, TNFα, nerve growth properties Lee et al, 2014 [53]
AbM extract fractions Mice, cerebral malaria Improved consequence of cerebral malaria ↓ TNFα, IL‐6, IL‐1β Antimalarial activity Val et al, 2015 [47]
HE extract & polysacc., p.o. Rats, IBD Improved damages in colonic mucosa of induced IBD ↓MPO activ., NFKB, TNFα, ↑T cell activ. Growth of beneficial gut bacteria and improved host immunity Diling et al, 2017 [54]
HE polysaccharide, p.o. Mice, Colitis Attenuation of colitis, reversing of gut dysbiosis Downregulation of oxidative stress & inflamm.‐related signalling pathways, Maintaining intestinal barrier Ren et al, 2018 [55]
AbM dry feed, p.o. Mice, non‐alcoholic steato‐hepatitis Prevention Prevention of oxidative stress Nakamura et al, 2019 [56]
Erinacine A‐enriched HE mycelia, p.o. Aged Mice Increased longevity Induction of endogenous antioxidant enzymes Li et al, 2019 [58]