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. 2020 Jul 14;9(7):929. doi: 10.3390/foods9070929

Table 1.

Influence of plasma treatments on phenolic compounds of uncut, fresh cut, and processed foods.

Food Gas (Applier and Energy Source) Treatment Conditions Point(s) of Assay Effect of Plasma Treatment on Phenolic Compounds Reference
Fresh and dried walnuts (uncut) Ar (capillary tube, electric source) Voltage (15 kV); frequency (12 kHz); gas flow (1 L/min); and time (3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 min) After treatment No effect of treatment time or storage time on TPC [28]
Strawberries (uncut) Air (dielectric barrier discharge, electric source) Voltage discharge (60 and 80 kV) and time (1 and 5 min) After treatment No effect on anthocyanin content [29]
Strawberries (fresh cut) Air (dielectric barrier discharge, electric source) Voltage (45 kV) and time (1 min) 7 days at 4 °C Increase TPC, flavonoid, and anthocyanin contents up to day 5 [17]
Mandarin (uncut) N2, (chamber, MW source) MW power (900 W), frequency (2.45 GHz), vacuum, and time (10 min) 7 at 25 °C and 28 days at 4 °C No effect on TPC of flesh; slight increase on peel [30]
Blueberries (uncut) Air (capillary tube, electric source) Power (549 W), frequency (47 kHz), gas flow (4 ft3/m), and time (15–120 s) After treatment Reduction of anthocyanin content as treatment time increased [31]
Blueberry (uncut) Air (dielectric barrier discharge, electric source) Voltage (36 V), current (1.8 A), and time (up to 10 min) 20 days at 25 °C Highest anthocyanin levels were obtained using 6 and 8 min; effect lasted for 20 days [32]
Dragon fruit (fresh cut) Ar (capillary tube, RF source) RF power (40 W) and time (60 s) After treatment No effect on TPC [33]
Apples (fresh cut) Air (dielectric barrier discharge, electric source) Power (150 W), frequency (12.7 kHz), gas flow (1.5 L/min), and time (30 and 120 min) After treatment Reduced TPC; reduction of some procyanidin dimers and trimers (120 min) [34]
Kiwi (fresh cut) Air (dielectric barrier discharge, electric source) Voltage (15 kV) and time (20 and 40 min) 4 days at 10 °C No effect on hydrophilic fraction of phenolics; slight reduction on hydrophobic fraction of phenolics after 4 days [35]
Pitaya (fresh cut) Air (dielectric barrier discharge, electric source) Voltage (60 kV) and time (5 min) 48 h at 15 °C Slight increase on selected phenolic and expression of genes related to polyphenol synthesis during storage [36]
Onion powder He (chamber, MW source) MW intensity (400 W), frequency (2.45 GHz), gas flow (1 L/min), pressure (0.7 kPa), and time (40 min) 28 days at 4 and 25 °C No effect on quercetin content [19]
Basmati rice flour Air (dielectric barrier discharge, RF source) RF power (30 and 40 W), frequency (13.56 MHz), and time (5 and 10 min) After treatment Increase TPC content by reducing time and power [37]

Ar: argon, He: helium, N2: nitrogen, TPC: total phenolic content, MW: microwave, and RF: radio frequency.