Differences between group 1 and group 2 claustrum neurons. A, Ranking of absolute differences between the subpopulation Z-score means of G1 and G2 neurons. Largest differences were observed for AHP amplitude at ctx2, RMP and ratio of amplitudes of first and second APs at ctx2. Dark gray shading indicates medians that differed significantly between both groups, while light gray indicates non-significant differences; 30 out of 38 features showed a significant difference. B, Comparison of the RMP, ratio of first/second AP amplitudes, and AHP amplitude at ctx2 for G1 and G2 neurons. Both groups were clearly separate, with the axis of the G1 cluster orthogonal to the G2 cluster axis. C, Comparison of the intrinsic properties of G1 and G2 neurons, using t-SNE-based clustering. These groups did not overlap in the t-SNE feature space.