Properties of the five claustrum PN subtypes. A, PNs that were labeled with retrobeads injected into either the cortex (yellow) or subcortex (black) are annotated below the PN subtypes. Neurons that project to the subcortex were highly enriched in the PN1 subcluster, while all claustro-cortical PNs were in PN2–PN4 subclusters. PN5 neurons were not retrogradely labeled, nor was the single VIP-IN misclassified as a PN. B–S, APs and other intrinsic electrical properties of neurons from the six PN subclusters. Left, Trains of APs evoked in the indicated six different types of neurons by depolarizing currents twice as high as the current threshold. Center, Higher-gain traces of individual APs evoked at the current threshold; responses of other PN types are indicated in gray. Right, Radar plot profiles of Z-score means for all 38 intrinsic electrical properties of each PN subtype. Black rings indicate population means. Properties that are most distinct for each PN subtype are indicated by arrows. Properties are numbered as in Tables 3-5.