D2R KO mice lack p-FAK increase after light onset. (A) Representative Western blot bands for RPE-65, FAK, and p-FAK in WT and D2R KO mice at ZT 23, ZT 1, and ZT 3. Arrows indicate the specific 125 KDa band for p-FAK and FAK. An additional nonspecific band around 100 kD is also seen. A 65 KDa band is marked by an arrow for RPE-65 for the loading control. (B) Densitometry analysis of the bands intensity indicated a significant increase in p-FAK after the onset of light in WT (2-way ANOVA; ***P < 0.001), but not in D2R KOs (2-way ANOVA; P > 0.05). Bars represent the means ± SEM (*P < 0.001). (C) Rac1 activity increased at ZT 1, both in WT (2-way ANOVA, followed by post hoc Tukey test; ***P < 0.001) and D2R KO mice (2-way ANOVA; followed by post hoc Tukey test; ***P < 0.001, N = 3).