Figure 3.
Cross-sectional multivariable analysis of determinants of VRQoL. Dot plots of regression coefficients derived from the training splits for each of the outer cross-validation folds are shown for the composite score (A), near vision subscore (C), and distant vision subscore (E). Cross-validation within these training splits (inner resampling) was used to determine the optimal tuning parameter λ of the LASSO regression model. Note that the points were plotted semitransparently to avoid overplotting. The green vertical lines indicate the mean coefficient. A zero coefficient estimate effectively implies exclusion of the respective variable from the LASSO regression model. The coefficients dependent on tuning parameter λ for the complete dataset are shown for the composite score (B), near vision subscore (D), and distant vision subscore (F). The dashed gray line indicates the optimal value of tuning parameter λ derived from the inner resampling. Biomarkers of the better eye are highlighted in blue and biomarkers of the worse eye in red.