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. 2020 Aug 5;182(6):1419–1440.e23. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.08.001

Figure 3.

Figure 3

CD11clo and HLA-DRlo but CD226+CD69+ Monocytes in Severe COVID-19

(A) Heatmap of CyTOF data (antibody panel 1, cohort 1) covering monocytes and DCs. Main cell, as defined by the numbers 1 to 12, and individual cell clusters are displayed in columns and marker identity is indicated in rows. MSI, marker staining intensity respective expression level, significance level for the following comparisons: (1) controls (ctrl, n = 9) versus COVID-19 (mild and severe, n = 17, first row), (2) mild (n = 8) versus severe (n = 9, second row), (3) FLI (n = 8) versus mild COVID-19 (n = 8, third row), as well as (4) controls (ctrl, n = 9) versus FLI (n = 8) are indicated using a gray scale on top of the heatmap (p value scale next to heatmap). COVID-19 samples collected between days 4 and 13 post-symptom onset ( = first day of sample collection per patient). Abundance testing via generalized mixed effects models and multiple comparison adjustment using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure and a false discovery rate (FDR) cutoff of 5% across all clusters/subsets and between-group comparisons.

(B) UMAP of monocytes and DCs, down-sampled to 70,000 cells, (39 markers, Table S2). Cells are colored according to main cell clusters (1 to 12, colors as in A) as defined in the table, donor origin (blue, controls; gray, FLI; yellow, mild COVID-19; red, severe COVID-19) and expression intensity of HLA-DR, CD11c, CD226, and CD69.

(C) Box and whisker (10–90 percentile) plots of main monocyte clusters 1, 10 (CD14hiCD16 classical monocytes), 11, and 3 (CD14hiCD16+ intermediate monocytes) determined by mass cytometry (whole blood, cohort 1): controls (n = 9), FLI patients (n = 8), COVID-19 patients (mild, n = 8; severe, n = 9). Abundance testing via R multcomp and lsmeans packages adjusted using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure and an FDR-cutoff of 5% across all clusters/subsets and between-group comparisons.

(D) Box and whisker (10–90 percentile) plots of CXCR3+, HLA-DRhiCD11chi, and CD226+CD69+ monocytes measured by mass cytometry (whole blood, cohort 1): controls (n = 9), FLI patients (n = 8), and COVID-19 patients (mild, n = 8; severe, n = 9). Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn’s multiple comparison tests.

(E) Boxplot of HLA-DRhiCD11chi monocytes (cohort 2) measured by flow cytometry: COVID-19 (mild, n = 3; severe, n = 7) and age-matched controls (n = 11). Unpaired t test.

p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001, ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001.

See also Tables S1 and S3.