a, MRS voxel placement in the midline parietal cortex. b, experiments A-D are shown separately: Saturated NAA signal in the ONGABA spectra; saturated water signal in the ONGSH spectra; and several signals saturated in the vicinity of 3.67 ppm in the ONETOH spectra. The saturation range of the editing pulses is shown on each spectrum as a grayscale. c, the Hadamard combinations yield GABA-edited (A + B − C − D), GSH-edited (A + C − B − D), and EtOH-edited (B + C − A − D) spectra. The co-edited signals in the edited spectra are shown, specifically NAA, lac (lactate), Glx (glutamate + glutamine), Cho, MI (myo-inositol), and Cr