Figure 3. Postischemic TrkB activation underlies neonatal seizure susceptibility.
(A) Representative EEG traces in WT–/– and F616A+/+ pups, (B) power spectrograms (0.5–50 Hz), and (C) raster plots showed significantly lower first-hour postischemic EEG seizure burdens in F616A+/+. Dotted black and red lines indicate time point of PB administration. (D) EEG seizure burdens during first and second hours after ligation in WT–/– and F616A+/+ pups. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 by 2-way ANOVA. Number of mice: n = 18 [9/9] (WT–/– [M/F]), 10 [6/4] (F616A+/+). Box-and-whisker plots show quartiles with median with minima and maxima at the bottom and top whiskers, respectively.