EM images from a PiZ mouse at baseline, 3 months old (A, C, and E); a PiZ mouse IV injected with saline (Q2W) for 33 weeks, 11 months old (B, D, and F); a naive C57BL/6 WT mouse, 11 months old (G); and a PiZ mouse IV injected (Q2W) with 8 mg/kg ARC-AAT for 33 weeks, 11 months old (H–J). G, globule; N, nucleus; m, healthy mitochondrion; F, microvesicular fat; RBC, red blood cell; EC, endothelial cell; black arrowheads, damaged mitochondria. Diameter of images in A, C, and E: 10 μm. Scale bar in other panels: 2 μm.