Table 1.
Toponym type | NP semantics indicates | NP context indicates |
Literals | Noun literal type | Literal type |
Literal modifiers | Noun/adjectival literal | Literal or associativea |
Mixed | Noun/adjectival literal | Ambiguous or mixed |
Coercion | Non-Toponym | Literal type |
Embedded literal | Non-Toponym | Literal type |
Embedded nonLit | Non-Toponym | Associative type |
Metonymy | Noun literal type | Associative type |
Languages | Adjectival literal type | Associative type |
Demonyms | Adjectival literal type | Associative type |
Non-lit modifiers | Noun/adjectival literal | Associative type |
Homonyms | Noun literal type | Associative type |
The top five are the literals, the bottom six are the associative types. Examples of each type can be found in Fig. 1
aNP head must be strongly indicative of a literal type, e.g.: “The Britishweather doesn’t seem to like us today”