Table 2.
Characteristics of the studies which analyzed hormonal axis disturbances.
Epigenetic modifications | Effects | Study type | Species | References |
Genes expression | • Induction of gene expression in the renin–angiotensin system pathway • Inhibition of tRNA processing-related gene expression • Decreases in hemostasis and blood coagulation-related gene expression |
In vivo | Fish | (13) |
DNA methylation | • Hypermethylation of ERα/ERβ promoter regions • Increase in DNMT3A and DNMT3B expression |
In vivo | Rat | (15) |
DNA methylation | Hypermethylation within DNMT3A and ER∞ | In vivo | Rat | (16) |
DNA methylation | • Hypermethylation of the ERα promoter and H19/Igf2 imprinting control region in the testis • Increase of DNMT expression |
In vivo | Mouse | (17) |
DNA methylation | • Decrease in G9a-dependent H3K9 di-methylation • Impairment of spermatogenesis |
In vitro | Mouse | (20) |
Histone acetylation | • Decrease in H3 and H3K14 acetylation in the StAR and P450 in the testes • Decrease in the expressions of testicular StAR and P450scc |
In vivo | Mouse | (21) |