Vimentin immunohistochemistry strongly labels blood vessels and astrocytes in healthy adult human brain. (A) Example of a VIM-IR astrocyte in the caudate nucleus juxtaposed to and contacting (arrowheads) VIM-IR blood vessels. (B) VIM-IR astrocytes in the prefrontal cortex gray matter outnumbered those in white matter and are clustered along the gray/white matter boundary (dashed line). (C) Although distributed in a similar pattern along the gray/white matter boundary (dashed line), fewer VIM-IR astrocytes were observed in the primary visual cortex compared to the prefrontal cortex. (D) VIM-IR astrocytes were most abundant in the caudate nucleus. (E) VIM-IR astrocytes were almost completely absent from the mediodorsal thalamus. Scale bars = 50 μm.