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. 2020 Aug 5;10:13167. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-69897-w

Table 1.

Previously reported VACV-derived CD8+ T cell epitopes presented by B7.2: their homology to ECTV proteome and recognition by CD8+ T cells.

VACV ORFsa VACV epitopesb ECTVc Recognition by
VACV-reactive T cellsb,d ECTV-reactive T cellse hu PBMCsf
D1R808–817 RPSTRNFFEL  +   +   + 
A34R82–90 LPRPDTRHL  +   + 
D1R686–694 HPRHYATVM  +   +   + 
J6R303–311 MPAYIRNTL  +   +   + 
F4L6–14 APNPNRFVI  +   + 
E2L216–224 RPRDAIRFL  +   +   + 
A3L192–200 SPSNHHILL  +   +   + 
D5R375–383 LPKEYSSEL  +   + 
L4R37–45 FPRSMLSIF  +   +   + 
E9L526–534 FPYEGGKVF  +   +   + 
I6L282–291 IPKKIVSLL  + 
B15R91-101 IPDEQKTIIGL  + 
A24R1002-1010 KPYASKVFF  + 
B8R70–78 g FPKNDFVSF K72N  +   + 
N2L104–113 RPNQHHTIDL Q107K  +   + 
O1L335–344 RPMSLRSTII NSH  +   + 
E9L175–183 FPSVFINPI  + 
A11R22–30 YPSNKNYEI nt  + 
A20R162–170 IPKYLEIEI nt  + 
C19L/B25R78–86 NPSVLKILL N78K nt  + 
E5R131-1–40 NPSKMVYALL nt  + 
G2R140-149 VPITGSKLIL NSH nt  + 
I6L237–245 FPTNTLTSI  +  nt
I6L282–291 LPSNVEIKAI nt  + 

aOpen reading frames and location of epitopes defined based on Copenhagen reference strain (VACCC, ID 10,249).

bVACV-derived epitopes recognised by CD8+ T cells reported by us and others in mice and humans20.

cAmino acid changes in the orthologous ECTV peptide; •, conserved sequences with 100% homology; NSH, no significant homology; based on Netblast (blastcl3: using ECTV txid12643.

dB7.2tg mouse CD8+ T cells that react to VACV20.

eB7.2tg mouse CD8+ T cells that react to ECTV (this study): + , positive response (see Fig. 2); –, no response; nt, not tested.

fhu, VACV-reactive CD8+ T cells in human PBMC20.

gB8R orthologue in ECTV is C4R based on Netblast using ECTV txid12643.