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. 2020 Jul 31;8:2050312120944201. doi: 10.1177/2050312120944201

Table 3.

Bivariable logistic regression on factors associated with childhood diarrheal diseases within under-5 (0–59) children in Ethiopia: finding from EDHS of 2016.

Variables Presence occurrence of diarrhea 2 weeks prior to the survey
Total COR CI p-value
No Yes
Child’s age <6 months 1189 (91.5%) 111 (8.5%) 1300 (100.0%) 1.190 (0.959–1.47) 0.114
6–11 months 646 (80.0%) 161 (20.0%) 807 (100.0%) 3.176 (2.611–3.864) <0.001*
12–23 months 1573 (82.4%) 336 (17.6%) 1909 (100.0%) 2.722 (2.343–3.163) <0.001*
24 and above 6143 (92.7%) 482 (7.3%) 6625 (100.0%) 1
Working status of mother Not working 5699 (90.4%) 608 (9.6%) 6307 (100.0%) 0.848 (0.746–0.963) 0.011*
Working 3695 (88.8%) 465 (11.2%) 4160 (100.0%) 1
Educational status of the mother No education 6174 (90.3%) 664 (9.7%) 6838 (100.0%) 0.827 (0.724–0.945) 0.005*
Primary education and above 2930 (88.5%) 381 (11.5%) 3311 (100.0%) 1
Treatment sought for fever /cough No 9218 (91.4%) 869 (8.6%) 10087 (100.0%) 1
Yes 333 (60.1%) 221 (39.9%) 554 (100.0%) 0.142 (0.118–0.171) <0.001*
Place of delivery Home 6480 (90.6%) 675 (9.4%) 7155 (100.0%) 1
Public health facility 2971 (88.2%) 399 (11.8%) 3370 (100.0%) 1.289 (1.131–1.470) <0.001*
Other 100 (86.2%) 16 (13.8%) 116 (100.0%) 0.115 (0.901–2.619) 0.115
Prenatal care received No 5495 (92.7%) 434 (7.3%) 5929 (100.0%) 0.488 (0.430–0.555) <0.001*
Yes 4056 (86.1%) 656 (13.9%) 4712 (100.0%) 1
Time gap between breast feed and birth Within first 1 h 4393 (87.7%) 618 (12.3%) 5011 (100.0%) 1
Within first 24 h 1170 (85.8%) 193 (14.2%) 1363 (100.0%) 1.173 (1.124–1.822) 0.073*
After 24 h 447 (83.2%) 90 (16.8%) 537 (100.0%) 1.431 (1.124–1.822) 0.004*
Don’t know/missing/not in universe 3541 (94.9%) 189 (5.1%) 3730 (100.0%) 0.379 (0.320–0.449) <0.001*
Breastfeeding category Never fed breast milk 552 (96.0%) 23 (4.0%) 575 (100.0%) 1
Still feeding breast milk 3614 (85.0%) 638 (15.0%) 4252 (100.0%) 4.237 (2.769–6.484) 0.001*
Ever fed breast milk, not currently feeding breast milk 5385 (92.6%) 429 (7.4%) 5814 (100.0%) 1.912 (1.246–2.935) 0.003*
Type of resident Permanent/usual resident 9439 (89.8%) 1069 (10.2%) 10508 (100.0%) 0.604 (0.37–0.96) 0.036*
Visitor 112 (84.2%) 21 (15.8%) 133 (100.0%) 1
Number of children in household ⩽2 7704 (89.3%) 923 (10.7%) 8627 (100.0%) 1.325 (1.115–1.574) 0.001*
⩾3 1847 (91.7%) 167 (8.3%) 2014 (100.0%) 1

CI: confidence interval; COR: crudes odds ratio.


Significant at p < 0.25.