Fig. 6.
DAF-16 is necessary for the inhibitory effect of NBMI on worm growth. Synchronized L1 stage worms were treated with 100-1000 μM NBMI for 24 h, followed by assessment of developmental stage 48 h post-treatment. Worms in the 0 μM NBMI group received 0.1 % DMSO as vehicle control. (a) Developmental stages of the N2 wild type strain 48 h post-treatment. (b) Developmental stages of the TJ356 strain 48 h post-treatment. (c) Developmental stages of the DR26 strain 48 h post-treatment. (d) Developmental stages of the DR27 strain 48 h post-treatment (Chi-square test, n = 3 per treatment group). *P < .05, **P < .01, and ***P < .001 as compared with untreated control. #P < .05, ##P < .01, and ###P < .001 as compared with the 100 μM NBMI group.