Figure 6.
NTRK2 promotes EMT though twist by activating ERK/AKT in NPC cells. The NTRK2 inhibitor K252a (200 nM) was used to knock down NTRK2 activity in HM cells, and C666-1-shNTRK2 cells with NTRK2 stably knocked down were used. A. The expression of twist and snail was analyzed by western blot. B. The expression of twist and snail in HM and C666-1 cells was evaluated by immunofluorescence. Scale bar: 50 µm. C. Levels of AKT and MAPK signaling were determined by western blot analysis. D. The expression of twist, E-cadherin and vimentin was detected by western blot after inhibiting AKT and ERK. E. The expression of NTRK2, AKT, ERK, twist, E-cadherin and vimentin was detected by western blot after LMP1 stably knocked down in C666-1 cells.