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. 2020 Jun 11;10(8):2725–2739. doi: 10.1534/g3.120.401349

Table 1. Testing composition combinations between non-overlapping and overlapping sets of lines for different sample sizes (SS) to be tested within environments for the case of Maize Tester 1 (843 genotypes, partitioned into 281 non-overlapping set, tested in different environments).

SS per Env Testing set composition within environment non overlaping/overlaping
281 281/0 271/10 261/20 251/30 241/40 231/50 221/60 211/70 201/80 191/90 181/100 171/110 161/120 151/130
271 271/0 261/10 251/20 241/30 231/40 221/50 211/60 201/70 191/80 181/90 171/100 161/110 151/120
261 261/0 251/10 241/20 231/30 221/40 211/50 201/60 191/70 181/80 171/90 161/100 151/110
251 251/0 241/10 231/20 221/30 211/40 201/50 191/60 181/70 171/80 161/90 151/100
241 241/0 231/10 221/20 211/30 201/40 191/50 181/60 171/70 161/80 151/90
231 231/0 221/10 211/20 201/30 191/40 181/50 171/60 161/70 151/80
221 221/0 211/10 201/20 191/30 181/40 171/50 161/60 151/70
211 211/0 201/10 191/20 181/30 171/40 161/50 151/60
201 201/0 191/10 181/20 171/30 161/40 151/50
191 191/0 181/10 171/20 161/30 151/40
181 181/0 171/10 161/20 151/30
171 171/0 161/10 151/20
161 161/0 151/10
151 151/0
Cont. by column
281 141/140 131/150 121/160 111/170 101/180 91/190 81/200 71/210 61/220 51/230 41/240 31/250 21/260 11/270 1/280
271 141/130 131/140 121/150 111/160 101/170 91/180 81/190 71/200 61/210 51/220 41/230 31/240 21/250 11/260 1/270
261 141/120 131/130 121/140 111/150 101/160 91/170 81/180 71/190 61/200 51/210 41/220 31/230 21/240 11/250 1/260
251 141/110 131/120 121/130 111/140 101/150 91/160 81/170 71/180 61/190 51/200 41/210 31/220 21/230 11/240 1/250
241 141/100 131/110 121/120 111/130 101/140 91/150 81/160 71/170 61/180 51/190 41/200 31/210 21/220 11/230 1/240
231 141/90 131/100 121/110 111/120 101/130 91/140 81/150 71/160 61/170 51/180 41/190 31/200 21/210 11/220 1/230
221 141/80 131/90 121/100 111/110 101/120 91/130 81/140 71/150 61/160 51/170 41/180 31/190 21/200 11/210 1/220
211 141/70 131/80 121/90 111/100 101/110 91/120 81/130 71/140 61/150 51/160 41/170 31/180 21/190 11/200 1/210
201 141/60 131/70 121/80 111/90 101/100 91/110 81/120 71/130 61/140 51/150 41/160 31/170 21/180 11/190 1/200
Cont. by row
191 141/50 131/60 121/70 111/80 101/90 91/100 81/110 71/120 61/130 51/140 41/150 31/160 21/170 11/180 1/190
181 141/40 131/50 121/60 111/70 101/80 91/90 81/100 71/110 61/120 51/130 41/140 31/150 21/160 11/170 1/180
171 141/30 131/40 121/50 111/60 101/70 91/80 81/90 71/100 61/110 51/120 41/130 31/140 21/150 11/160 1/170
161 141/20 131/30 121/40 111/50 101/60 91/70 81/80 71/90 61/100 51/110 41/120 31/130 21/140 11/150 1/160
151 141/10 131/20 121/30 111/40 101/50 91/60 81/70 71/80 61/90 51/100 41/110 31/120 21/130 11/140 1/150