Circ_BICD2 acts as a ceRNA to modulate HK2 expression via sponging miR-107. A. Binding sites of miR-107 on circ_BICD2 were predicted. B. Binding sites of HK2 on miR-107 were predicted. C and D. Dual-luciferase reporter assay was employed to determine the regulation mechanisms of miR-107 and circ_BICD2 or HK2. E and F. RT-qPCR was applied to detect the expression of circ_BICD2, miR-107, and HK2 in AGO2 pellet. G-J. Western blot was applied to detect the protein level of HK2 in SCC25 cells. K and L. A negative correlation between the expression of miR-107 and circ_BICD2 or HK2 in OSCC tissues was observed using Pearson’s correlation analysis. Data are presented as means ± SD of three independent experiments. **P<0.01, vs the mimic-NC group; ###P<0.001, vs Anti-IgG group; ▲▲P<0.01, ▲▲▲P<0.001, vs the NC group; ★★P<0.01, vs the control group; △△P<0.01, vs the sh-BICD2 group.