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. 2020 Jul 12;10(7):115. doi: 10.3390/bs10070115

Table 5.

Hypotheses verification.

Hypothesis Standardized Factor Loading Standard Error CR (p) Status of Acceptance R2
H1 Confidence benefit → Service trust 0.622 0.06 10.952 *** Accepted 0.797
H2 Social benefit → Service trust 0.249 0.071 3.331 *** Accepted
H3 Economic benefit → Service trust 0.095 0.087 1.234 Rejected
H4 Confidence benefit → Service satisfaction 0.36 0.07 5.104 *** Accepted 0.888
H5 Social benefit → Service satisfaction 0.029 0.06 0.427 Rejected
H6 Economic benefit → Service satisfaction 0.167 0.072 2.449 * Accepted
H7 Service trust → Service satisfaction 0.458 0.071 6.048 *** Accepted 0.681
H8 Service trust → Customer engagement 0.335 0.137 2.694 Rejected
H9 Service satisfaction → Customer engagement 0.509 0.148 4.041 *** Accepted
H10 Service trust → Long-term relationship orientation 0.069 0.099 0.679 Rejected 0.775
H11 Service satisfaction → Long-term relationship orientation 0.335 0.114 3.09 ** Accepted
H12 Customer engagement → Long-term relationship orientation 0.523 0.06 7.764 *** Accepted

(1) Structural model fit: χ2(df) 291.571, p 0.0, DF 104, χ2/degree of freedom 2.804, RMR 0.061, GFI 0.900, AGFI 0.853, NFI 0.954, TLI 0.960, CFI 0.970, RMSEA 0.075. (2) * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.