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. 2020 Jul 14;12(7):663. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070663

Table 1.

Summary of prominent markers, pattern recognition receptors and co-regulatory molecules expressed by cDC1 and cDC2 in mice and men.

Subpopulation Species Marker Level of Detection Literature
cDC1 Mouse CD8α (splenic, resident cDC1) Protein; RNA [80,86]
CD1d Protein [86]
CD207; Langerin Protein; RNA [35,37,80,82]
CD24 Protein [30,35,82]
CD103+CD11b- migratory cDC1 Protein [35,42]
Shared XCR1 Protein; RNA [30,33,42,82,86,87,88,89]
CADM1; TSLC1; NECL-2; IGSF4; SynCAM1; Protein; RNA [30,31,33,42,82,86,87,88,89]
CLEC9A; DNGR-1; CD370 Protein; RNA [24,28,29,31,33,41,42,46,80,82,87,89,90,91]
BTLA Protein; RNA [30,40,42,86,90]
CD26 Protein [29,30,90]
Sirpα; CD172a negative Protein [28,30,92]
CD11c (human cDC1int) Protein [28,30,31,42,80,86,88]
MHC-II; HLA-DR Protein [28,29,30,42,86]
Human CD141; BDCA-3 Protein [28,31,34,82,87,90,92]
CD103+Sirpα- migratory cDC1 Protein [42]
cDC2 Mouse CD4 (lymphoid tissue) Protein; RNA [80,93]
DCIR2 (lymphoid tissue) Protein; RNA [55]
CD103+CD11b+ gut migratory cDC2 Protein [42]
Shared Sirpα; CD172a Protein [28,29,30,31,35,42,80,82,86,88,92]
XCR1 negative Protein [30]
CD11b Protein; RNA [28,30,42,80,88]
CD11c Protein; RNA [28,30,31,42,80,86,88]
MHC-II; HLA-DR Protein [28,29,30,42,86]
Human CD1c; BDCA-1 Protein; RNA [28,31,34,80,90,91,92]
CD1a (skin) Protein [28,94]
CLEC10A Protein; RNA [33,45]
CD163 Protein [90,92]
CD1d Protein; RNA [33,90]
FcεRIα Protein; RNA [33,80,90]
CD103+Sirpα+ gut migratory cDC2 Protein [42]
Subpopulation Species TLRs Level of Detection Literature
cDC1 Mouse TLR2 Protein [86]
TLR4; CD284 RNA [80,89]
TLR11 RNA [24,46,80,89]
TLR12 RNA [24,46,80,86,88,95]
TLR13 Protein; RNA [24,46,80,88]
CD180; RP105 Protein [86]
Shared TLR3 Protein; RNA [42,80,87,88,89,92,96,97]
TLR9 Protein; RNA [24,46,88,89,98]
Human TLR6 RNA [89]
TLR10; CD290 Protein [90]
cDC2 Mouse TLR9 Protein; RNA [24,46,80,88,98]
TLR13 Protein; RNA [24,46,88]
Shared TLR1 Protein; RNA [80,86,89]
TLR2; CD282 Protein; RNA [31,80,86,89,92]
TLR4; CD284 RNA [80,89]
TLR5 RNA [80,89,96,98]
TLR6 Protein; RNA [80,86,89]
TLR7 Protein; RNA [24,46,80,88,89,91]
TLR8 Protein; RNA [80,89,91,92]
CD180; RP105 Protein [86,90,92]
Human - - -
Subpopulation Species CLRs Level of Detection Literature
cDC1 Mouse CD207; Langerin Protein [35,86]
CLEC2D Protein [86]
CLEC4A; DCIR; CD367 RNA [42]
Shared DEC205; CD205; Ly75 Protein; RNA [24,31,35,42,46,55,82,86,88,90]
CLEC9A; DNGR-1; CD370 Protein; RNA [24,28,29,31,33,41,42,46,82,87,89,91]
CLEC12A; MICL; KLRL1; CLL1 Protein; RNA [24,46,86,99]
Human CD206; MMR (skin) Protein [28]
Dectin-1; CLEC7A; CLECSF12; CD369 Protein [28]
cDC2 Mouse Dectin-2; CLEC6A; CLEC4N; CLECSF10 Protein; RNA [55,88]
CLEC4a2; DCIR1; CLECSF6 RNA [55,80,96]
CLEC4a3; DCIR3 RNA [55]
CLEC4a4; DCIR2 Protein; RNA [24,46,55,86,88]
Shared CLEC4A; DCIR; CD367 (subtype not defined) Protein; RNA [33,42,80,86,96]
Dectin-1; CLEC7A; CLECSF12; CD369 Protein; RNA [28,55,86]
CLEC12A Protein [80,100]
CLEC13A; CD302 RNA [96]
CD209 (human gut); CD209a (mouse); DC-SIGN Protein; RNA [24,42,46,55,80,89,91]
Human CD206; MMR (skin) Protein [28,42,90]
CD207; Langerin Protein; RNA [42,91,94]
CLEC5A (thymic cDC2) RNA [31]
CLEC10A Protein; RNA [31,33,42,45,89]
CLEC11A; CLECSF3 (CD5 low cDC2) RNA [91]
CLEC17A (CD5 high cDC2) RNA [91]
Subpopulation Species FcγRs Level of Detection Literature
cDC1 Mouse FcγRIII; CD16 Protein; RNA [56,80,96]
FcγRIV; CD16.2 Protein [56]
Shared FcγRI; CD64 Protein; RNA [30,42,56]
FcγRIIB; CD32b Protein; RNA [56,80,86,101]
Human FcγRIIA; CD32 RNA [102]
cDC2 Mouse FcγRIV; CD16.2 Protein [56]
FcγRI; CD64 negative Protein; RNA [30,56,80]
Shared FcγRIIB; CD32b Protein; RNA [33,42,56,80,86,89,102]
FcγRIII; CD16; human FcγRIIIA Protein; RNA [80,101,102]
Human FcγRI; CD64 Protein; RNA [89,101]
FcγRIIA; CD32 Protein; RNA [28,31,96,101,102]
Subpopulation Species Intracellular Sensors Level of Detection Literature
cDC1 Mouse NLRP3; NALP3; Cryopyrin Protein [88]
Human NLRC5 RNA [42]
Caspase-1 low RNA [92]
AIM2 RNA [92]
cDC2 Mouse NOD-1; NLRC1 Protein; RNA [24,46,88]
CARD9 Protein [88]
STING Protein [88]
MDA5 Protein [88]
RIG-I Protein [88]
NLRC4 RNA [24,46]
Shared NLRP3; NALP3; Cryopyrin Protein; RNA [33,42,88,92]
Caspase-1 high Protein; RNA [42,88,92]
Human Caspase-8 RNA [92]
NLRC4 RNA [92]
NLRP1 RNA [92]
Subpopulation Species Co-Regulatory Molecules Level of Detection Literature
cDC1 Mouse - - -
Shared CD80 Protein [30,42,55,82,87]
CD86 Protein; RNA [31,33,42,55,80,82,87,89,96]
CD40 Protein; RNA [30,42,55,89]
PD-L1; CD274 Protein [28,30,82,87,89]
Human IDO-1 Protein; RNA [31,33,42,80,89,92]
IDO-2 RNA [42]
cDC2 Mouse - - -
Shared CD80 Protein [30,42,55,82,87]
CD86 Protein; RNA [30,31,33,42,55,82,87,96]
CD40 Protein [30,42,55,89]
PD-L1; CD274 Protein [30,80,82,87,89]
Human ICOS-L RNA [28]
Subpopulation Species Other Interesting Molecules Level of Detection Literature
cDC1 Mouse CD36 (Scavenger receptor) Protein [86,88]
Shared CD135; FLT3 Protein; RNA [28,80,91]
Human TIM-3 Protein [90]
cDC2 Mouse Clec12A (marker for cDC2B) Protein [80]
Clec10A (marker for cDC2B) Protein [80]
ESAM (marker for cDC2A or Notch2-dependent cDC2) Protein [66,68,80]
Shared CD135; FLT3 Protein; RNA [28,80,91]
Human CD36 (marker for DC3; DC2 negative) RNA [31,33]
CD163 (marker for DC3; DC2 negative) Protein; RNA [28,33]
CD5 (marker for DC2; DC3 negative) Protein; RNA [90,91]
CD200R (downregulating DC activity) Protein [90]