Figure 2.
Activated caspase-3 staining is normal in EXTEND-maintained lambs. (A) Control lamb (135 days in utero), (B) EXTEND-maintained lamb (139 days’ gestation after 28 days in EXTEND), and (C) hypoxic EXTEND-maintained lamb (131 days’ gestation after 23 days in hypoxic conditions within EXTEND) ileum were stained for activated caspase-3 (brown cells) and counterstained with hematoxylin. (D) The percentage of epithelial cells that were activated caspase-3 immunoreactive were similar in control and normoxic EXTEND-maintained lamb ileum. There was significantly more staining in the hypoxic group compared with the other 2 groups. Each dot indicates mean percent activated caspase-3 positive cells in bowel epithelium of 1 animal (n = 22,528 ± 9599 cells evaluated). Cells sloughed into the lumen of the bowel were not included in these counts. Scale bar = 100 μm.