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. 2020 Jul 21;9(7):2316. doi: 10.3390/jcm9072316

Table 1.

Characteristics of the selected studies included in the meta-analysis.

Authors/Year of Publication Country Female (%) Mean Age (Y) Time of Surgery Stated Study Design Surgical Approach Follow-Up Outcomes Assessed RAI Given (%) Histological Subtypes Included High Risk Patients Included (%)
Samaan 1983 [36] USA 73 NA 1951–1975 Retrospective cohort study 105 491 6–30 Y Recurrence, OS yes (34%) PTC, FTC, HCC yes
Shah 1993 [37] USA 62 57 1930–1980 Retrospective matched cohort study 73 73 20 Y Recurrence, DFS yes * PTC, FTC yes
Shaha 1997 [38] USA 74 31 1930–1985 Retrospective cohort study 280 90 20 Y Recurrence, DSS NA PTC, FTC no
Hay 1998 [15] USA NA 43 1940–1991 Retrospective cohort study 185 1082 16 Y Recurrence, DFS, DSS yes PTC no
Sanders 1998 [39] USA 72 44 1940–1990 Retrospective cohort study 224 795 0–47 Y Recurrence, OS, DSS NA PTC, FTC, HCC yes
Haigh 2004 [40] USA 77 NA 1988–1995 Retrospective population-based cohort 739 3663 1 mo–12 Y OS yes PTC Yes **
Bilimoria 2007 [16] USA 76 43 1985–1998 Retrospective population-based cohort 8946 43,227 5.8 Y Recurrence, OS yes PTC yes
Mendelsohn 2010 [41] USA 78 44 1988–2001 Retrospective population-based cohort 5964 16,760 9.1 Y OS, DSS yes PTC yes
Hassanain 2010 [29] Canada 73 NA 1982–2002 Retrospective cohort study 126 54 4–25 Y Recurrence, DFS yes (28.3%) PTC, FTC yes
Ito 2010 [17] Japan 94 51.1 ± 12.4 1987–2005 Retrospective cohort study 1601 1037 0.5–34 Y Recurrence, DSS yes (0.1%) PTC no
Barney 2010 [1] USA NA NA 1983–2002 Retrospective population-based cohort 3266 12,598 2 mo–19.9 Y OS, DSS yes PTC, FTC yes
Vaisman 2011 [42] USA 84 45 ± 13 1986–2005 Retrospective cohort study 72 217 0.5–34 Y Recurrence, DSS no PTC, HCC no
Nixon 2012 [43] USA 79 46 1986–2005 Retrospective cohort study 361 528 13 mo–24.3 Y Recurrence, OS, DSS yes PTC, FTC, HCC yes
Ebina 2014 [18] Japan 76 54 ± 14 1993–2010 Retrospective cohort study 791 176 3–20 Y Recurrence, DFS, DSS yes PTC yes ***
Adam 2014 [44] USA 80 NA 1998–2011 Retrospective population-based cohort 6849 54,926 5–14.9 Y OS yes PTC yes
Kuba 2017 [45] Japan 86 53 1994–2008 Retrospective matched cohort study 120 53 11 mo–20.8 Y OS, DFS yes PTC yes

Percentage was rounded up to a closest integer. Y: years, mo: months, TT: total thyroidectomy, TL: thyroid lobectomy, OS: overall survival, DFS: disease free survival, DSS: disease specific survival, RAI: radioactive iodine, PTC: papillary thyroid carcinoma, FTC: follicular thyroid carcinoma, HCC: Hürthle cell carcinoma, NA: not available; * ”only a few received RAI” (not otherwise specified). ** The total cohort included 18% high-risk patients, however separate analysis available for the low-risk cohort, therefore only those patients were included in the meta-analysis. *** The total cohort included 19% high-risk patients, however separate analysis available for the low-risk cohort, therefore only those patients were included in the meta-analysis.